

  1. Operating System Tutorial
    This site might help when you need a quick, yet helpful insight on Operating Systems in general.
    Tutorial includes exercises, resources, and discussions as well.

  2. Operating System Concepts by A. Silberschatz
    This book contains a complete course in operating systems.
    The materials covered in the book is recommended as an introductory course, especially for beginners.

  3. grep, awk and sed – three VERY useful command-line utilities
    A simple and neat explanation about grep, awk, and sed, also includes some essential commands and examples.

  4. Vim Cheat Sheet
    A pretty handy cheat sheet to work with Vim.

  5. Essential Vim Commands
    Another cool set of commands for Vim.

  6. FUSE - Filesystems in User Space
    Quick and complete overview about FUSE with important references you might need.

  7. How to Use Pointers in C
    Simple guide for pointers in C Language.

  8. Using freed memory
    Explains about the “Use After Free” vulnerability, with some examples.

  9. The fork() System Call
    Complete explanation of fork() system call and other related methods.

  10. Process Synchronization
    Sums up pretty much all the stuff you need to know about synchronization, and more.

  11. CPU Scheduling Algorithms in Operating Systems
    Just some stuff about scheduling you might need to know.

  12. Linux From Scratch
    Guide to make your own Linux File System from scratch.